Read firsthand about how ROAD iD makes a real difference in real peoples’ lives.
Road ID can literally save your life!
I was delighted to discover Road ID, not only as a runner, but also as an EMT.
Don't be a nobody!
I have settled insurance claims for years and I know that it's really easy to get disoriented when an accident occurs.
Don't wait to get ID!
Not long, I witnessed an experienced runner fall near the finish line of a local 5K. While waiting for the paramedics to arrive, we performed first aid and CPR as the situation warranted. When the ...
A priceless piece of gear!
I often run and bike on long grueling highways that are filled with busy cars. One Sunday morning I came upon something horrible that nobody every wants to witness.
Get a Road ID!
I have just been through my first 'head-on' bike crash. I now know, first hand, how important ID can be. And, I'll pass along this suggestion to others in the same situation.I'm going to tell all a...
My ID gave EMTs everything they needed!
I have been an avid cyclist for years. Recently, I saw an ad for Road ID in Bicycling magazine.
Luckily, I was wearing my Road ID!
About a month after I received my Road ID my husband and I (both Triathletes) were on a long training ride in preparation for an upcoming half ironman.
Thankfully, I was wearing my Road ID!
To be honest, I never wanted to have my own Road ID story to tell.
A John Doe for 48 hours!
I never run or ride without my Road ID.
My Accident was a wakeup call!
As a road runner, sharing the road with cars, I always thought that being alert and diligent would keep out of trouble.
I was wandering aimlessly!
I am an EMT for the New York City Fire Department (FDNY). Emergencies are part of my daily routine. I never really expected that I would be the subject of an emergency. I was mistaken.
I'll never be without ID again!
I was one of those athletes who had considered every safety aspect of my sport EXCEPT wearing ID.
My Road ID did its job!
I never thought that I would be hit by an automobile while cycling. I was wrong. The accident occurred when I had to exit a riding trail due to construction. A driver of a truck failed to see me an...
To all my fellow riders, I give you this piece of advise! Advertise! Advertise! Advertise!
It just makes sense!
I have been in several bike accidents during my 30 years of serious biking. Luckily, I have remained conscious during all of them. Two recent events in my live, however, motivated me to get a Road ID.
I could have been a John Doe!
I was on a training ride in South Florida when a car ran a stop sign, cut me off and caused my bike and me to fly over the hood/roof of the car and into the middle of the road. I was unconscious fo...
The Supernova makes night running safe!
While running one night last summer I nearly collided with a bicyclist in my neighborhood. Neither I, nor the cyclist had any lights on.
I am glad I found you!
Road ID can be an immediate path to access, that can provide reassurance and information to friends and family in case you can't. In living, live with the reassurance that at any given moment in ti...
Wear ID...before it's too late!
Since I started working on an ambulance in Oakland, California I have realized the importance of having proper ID with you at all times.
ID is vital!
As a medic or EMT for over 25 years, I have encountered situations where I responded to calls to unresponsive persons and found them virtually unidentifiable. Now, I find myself pondering the real...
My accident was my wakeup call!
I was riding with two friends on the same mountain roads that the Tour de Georgia uses. After crossing over one of the mountaintops, I was in the lead on the decent when I entered an unmarked, very...
Proper ID saves precious time!
As a police officer and runner, there is an inherent risk involved with going to work, and doing my morning run. I had been looking for a convenient way to advise medical personnel of my vital inf...
I was hit by a pickup!
I never gave much thought about the need for identification when running, as I like to run as light as possible.
Miles away from my indentification!
I woke that morning excited to run my first marathon through the streets of Washington DC. The atmosphere was electric, and the first ten miles seemed to pass by effortlessly. I had no idea that a ...
Road ID is as important as my helmet!
I have zero memories of the day of my accident. I do know that It was National Ride Your Bike to Work Week and I was determined to ride my bike 3 of 5 days. On one of those bicycle commutes somet...
The driver didn't see me!
I'm sure glad Road ID is out there. I have been run over on my bike twice in 13 years, not to mention the close calls that most cyclists deal with on almost every ride. I simply accept that if I wa...
Mystery Athletes Cause Delays
I know the importance!
As an EMT, I know the importance of being able to identify someone. I recently responded to a bicycling accident, and it is very disconcerting to have a patient that is unable to tell you anything ...
We thought the driver saw us!
With the County Championships just days away, my cross-country team and I headed out for a distance run from our suburban Atlanta high school. We were barely half a mile off-campus when we entered ...
Never go WALKING without my Road ID!
I have known for a long time that I need to carry ID when I walk or hike. Seldom, however, did I do what I knew I should. When I remembered to carry ID (which wasn't regularly) I might carry my dr...
Thanks for making my wife happy!
My wife originally requested that I get a Road ID because she would worry while I was gone for hours on long runs.
More important than my Shoes!
I don't expect anything to happen when I am out there doing what I love to do, but if it does, my Road ID could be more important
Color me impressed!
Your Road IDs are more attractive and can store much more information than other identification items that I have carried in my running store.
A close call - I now wear ID!
On a quiet Friday evening I was riding in Charlotte, North Carolina. 256 miles from home, a car slammed into me.
The Penguin Speaks!
I travel over 300 days a year. That means running in strange cities at strange times.
Mystery Man!
Not long ago, I suffered a serious accident while running on a remote trail near my home. I was air lifted out and was a "MYSTERY MAN" on my med-vac ride to the trauma center.
Never thought I would need my Road ID!
I initially ordered my Road ID to appease my fiance who feared what would happen if I was injured while out running and couldn't get home.
Lesson Learned!
I learned a valuable lesson on New Years Day - to ALWAYS carry ID - even on those really short rides. I didn't have any ID on me that day, but I'll never go without ID again!!
308 Marathons and Counting!
Thinking that I was indestructible, I ran for many, many years without identification.
Always carry ID!
As part of the Mountain Rescue Team in the Mt. Washington Valley, I was involved with the search and rescue during the avalanche on Mt. Washington that occurred on December 1, 2002.
I was alone and unconscious in the hospital!
On May 25, 1998 I was a healthy 31 year old police officer, physical fitness trainer, and triathlete. On May 26th, my life changed forever.
Lighting Strikes Twice!
7 years ago, I was riding out to a small town 7 miles west of where I live. The roads here are, in many respects, awesome to ride on - most are lightly traveled. Muscoda is a small town in Southwes...
It worked beautifully!
A couple of weeks ago, I was hit by a car while riding my bike.
The hospital knew me only as Jane Doe
Nothing was unusual about that morning. At 5am I donned my running clothes and took off for my daily morning jog before leaving for work.
Carrying ID is vitally important!
My story begins and ends on Saturday, June 29th, 2002. That morning I drove my husband, Rod (pictured right), to the Vilano Bridge in St. Augustine to bike back to our home in Jacksonville, a trek ...
In an Instant!
Things didn't look so beautiful on that day. While cycling on his way to the popular Austin Tri-Cyclist Saturday morning ride, Al's life was changed in an instant when a vehicle traveling in the op...
Taking Flight With My Road ID!
I was hiking alone on the South Kaibab Trail when I stumbled on a loose rock and fell over 25 feet off a cliff.
I Could Have Used A Road ID!
It was an early Wednesday morning. I headed off to the local hill to meet a few teammates for some intense training.