We all hear stories, but unless it happens to you, it's unfathomable to comprehend a situation like this. The impact, the shock, the aftermath and the ensuing minutes are horrendous. This accident has been a huge wake-up call for me. I never ran with any form of ID on me, and I now realize that it's simply irresponsible for any athlete to be out there without ID.
I know my Road ID won't protect me from the risks of road running, but it will give me and my mom some peace of mind. I am gradually recovering from my injuries. Yesterday, I went out for a 5 mile run! it wasn't pretty, my injuries are still there, but it did feel good to be back out there! with ID, of course. I can honestly say that I feel more freedom on my runs now that I am wearing ID. Keep Running.
- Melanie .S from Pennington, NJ