Read firsthand about how ROAD iD makes a real difference in real peoples’ lives.
I never thought it could happen, but it did…
While recently traveling for work, I went out for a run on a beautiful Florida morning. One minute, I was a mile and a half into a six-miler when I started feeling a little off – the next thing I k...
As a physician, you have a customer for life
As a physician and an endurance athlete, I have been a huge proponent of Road ID -- not only do I use it while running and biking, but I have also given many to friends and relatives. I even make a...
My Road ID answered all their questions
This past week, while out on a ride, I crashed my bike. When I regained consciousness, the emergency folks were asking all the usual questions...name, contact info, allergies, etc. All their questi...
I woke up surrounded by firefighters
My name is Rachel, and I am a triathlete, avid runner, and cyclist in Brooklyn, NY. I was recently traveling in the bike lane on First Avenue when I was hit by a bus. I woke up surrounded by firefi...
I drifted to the right and hit a brick mailbox
Earlier this year, I was involved in a horrific bike crash involving a stray dog and a brick mail box. As I was riding along, I turned around to yell at the dog, drifted slightly to the right, and ...
He used my Road ID to contact my wife
On a recent ride, while cycling up a steep hill near my house, I felt my heart racing very fast. I stopped to rest but my heart continued to beat rapidly, so I set my bike down, and the next thing ...
He knew my location because of the Road ID App
I am training for my first full marathon, and I was recently getting ready to go out for a long run when my fiance said, "Don't forget your Road ID, and lets try their new App to see how well it wo...
I got treated MUCH faster because of my Road ID
This past May, while out for a ride, I got hit by a fellow cyclist and broke my ankle. The First Responders were the first to use my Road ID, then it was the triage nurse, and then the doctors.
His Scout ID helped us get reunited!
Our dog, Beckham, was recently hit by a truck while we were out running. Beckham survived, but he immediately ran off, completely spooked. He was missing for two full weeks, but his Scout ID helped...
You never know when something might happen…
I was recently on a 40 mile ride in Phoenix when I stopped to get a drink. The next thing I know, I’m in an ambulance on the way to the hospital. Because I was wearing my Road ID, my wife found out...
I'm comforted 24/7 by these two simple bands
At 44 years old, and in the best shape of my life, I never saw the seizure coming. It was any other ordinary morning at work, with my bicycle down the hall, prepped for the daily lunch ride with th...
All he had to do was show them his Road ID
If you are not familiar with the Pennsylvania Farm Show, it is the largest of its kind in the country -- filled with thousands of livestock, people, and farm equipment. Huge! Scary huge if you lose...
I could communicate while I was out like a light!
It was 2008, and I was riding on a main residential road. A bus had pulled over to off/on passengers, so I proceeded around it. The driver pulled out sharply to get away from the curb, and he naile...
The First Responders immediately knew how to help
My son, Eric, is a Type 1 Diabetic. As the mother of an active diabetic, I am ALWAYS concerned. When a diabetic is on a low, the person can appear as if he/she is drunk. It can easily lead to a dan...
I was there with him as soon as possible
We were vacationing as a family at the beach, when Tom went out for a long bike ride. As an avid cyclist, he's extraordinarily safety conscious, and even has taught safe commuting practices through...
His Road ID helped save his life
About a month ago, my husband was riding his bike home from work when he was hit by a car. He dislocated a cervical vertebrae and shattered three more upon impact with the pavement. His quick refle...
Thank you for making such a great product
On Labor Day weekend in 2011, I was out riding with a small group of people, most which I only know from being part of the same triathlon club. Not long into the ride, for unknown reasons, I got on...
The First Responders found my Road ID
I have worn a Wrist ID Slim day in and day out for years -- so long, that I took it for granted. Accidents do a good job of making you appreciate the things you forget about.
I was unconscious once I hit the road…
I was recently racing in Ironman Wisconsin, my first IM. I was passing the last aid station on the bike course, around mile 100, and I crashed. Evidently, I just took myself out, although I often ...
The Road ID had all the needed information
As an EMT, a Firefighter, and a husband, I 100% believe everyone should wear a Road ID product of some sort at all times. I have seen runners and bikers seriously injured, and I cannot express enou...
I know Road ID will speak for me when I am unable
Let me start off by stating that I think your product is awesome. In my line of work as a First Responder, Road ID is an excellent tool for the communities we serve day in and day out. As for me, I...
My wife was able to know exactly where I was
This past Memorial Day, I went on what was scheduled to be a 20-30 mile ride. About a mile in, I had a crash. From what I remember, I was riding, and the next thing I know, I was on the road in pai...
Paramedics accessed the data on my Road ID
This past year, I was participating in the Marin Century with my son and grandson. About halfway through the ride, I was cut off by another cyclist and went down hard. Along with a broken clavicle,...
An EMT was holding my Road ID in his hand…
This past February, I was clipped by a hit-and-run driver. Upon regaining consciousness, I look up at an EMT who was holding my Road ID in his hand. He said, "We just called your wife, who will mee...
The EMTs thanked me for having a Road ID
While on a recent trip to Oregon, I ran into some trouble. I actually suffered a minor stroke and went down hard. My wife immediately called 911. On the way to the ER, the EMTs thanked me for havin...
I was rendered unconscious immediately…
I have been cycling for over 30 years, and I have had my share of mishaps, but I could always attribute the cause to something I did. This time was different, and I never heard it coming. In this s...
I can vouch for Road ID’s life-saving purpose
In May 2011, I was involved in a near fatal bicycle accident. I was thrown over the handlebars, headfirst into the pavement, knocking me unconscious. The reports say that I regained consciousness a...
My Road ID was essential in contacting my family
I was recently involved in a cycling accident while descending a mountain near my home. I am unsure as to what happened, but I believe the crash was caused by a deer that ran out in front of me. Fr...
They used my Road ID to access my information
I was recently out on a training ride when I was hit by a car. I have no memory of what actually happened. Fortunately, someone found me, but I was apparently not very lucid. I was then rushed to t...
Road ID - like having a friend alongside me!
I got serious about riding six years ago, and I credit cycling with keeping me healthy, moving, and out of the depressed state that many spinal cord injury survivors live with. Though I am medicall...
I never leave home without my Road ID
I recently crashed on a busy highway when a very strong and sudden gust of wind blew me into the curb. A motorist, who is also a cyclist, stopped to assist. He first called 911, and he then used my...
I can't tell you how grateful I am for Road ID
Earlier this year, I was involved in a bike accident early one morning. I was very fortunate to have a good samaritan stop and help me. He was able to use my Wrist ID Slim to call my wife and get h...
Her Road ID makes me feel so much better
I wanted to take a minute to thank you for making an awesome product! My daughter has Down's syndrome, is mostly non-verbal, and loooooves to run! Like any parent, I am worried about her getting lo...
Road ID gave me peace during a challenging time
We live out in the country and do a lot of walking and biking on a country road near us. It is pretty isolated and it has always made my husband really nervous when I’m out on my own. When a friend...
My wife knew within minutes of my accident
Two weeks ago, I was on a ride to a friend's house for dinner. Five miles into the ride, something happened. Due to a concussion from hitting my head on the road, I do not remember anything from th...
He knew who I was because of my husband’s Road ID
Kelly, this is Adrian. I'm with Mike who got into a minor bike accident. Please call me.That’s a text message I received this weekend in San Francisco. I don't know Adrian, and will likely never me...
Road ID was critical to my emergency care
A couple years back, I was out for a ride, exploring new territory after retiring and moving to Florida. I was 4 or 5 miles into my ride when I fell. Because I have amnesia from the accident, I hav...
My Road ID saved my life TWICE in four days!
I want to take this opportunity to say thank you. My Road ID has saved my life TWICE in the past four days! I am highly allergic to bee stings, and unfortunately, I have been stung twice while at w...
I lost my 10 year old son in the crowd…
At a recent race, as we were rushing to congratulate my husband at the finish line, I lost my 10 year old son in the crowd. I was in a full panic, having the finish line announcer call his name ove...
The collision sent me over the bars!
Both arms took the brunt of the force, although I also hit my head hard enough to get knocked out and have a slight concussion (even with a helmet). The EMTs were able to use my Road ID to call my ...
My family was notified because of her Road ID
A few months ago, I was in a roll-over car accident with my 20 month old daughter in the back seat. I was 6 months pregnant at the time. The way the accident happened, I wound up with my head pinne...
My heart rate was over 200 beats per minute...
I had a heart episode recently and my Road ID was there to help. I took an early lunch to get in a quick swim and it happened about 15 minutes into my set, my heart starting racing at a very high l...
Another cyclist collided into me at 25mph!
I was cycling north on a bike path in San Diego when a southbound cyclist, avoiding a water puddle, came way over into my lane on a blind turn at 25 mph and collided into me. The impact knocked me ...
My brother was returned home safely...
Earlier this year, my mom, dad, and brother were visiting me from out of town. My brother is 25 and has Down Syndrome. He is verbal but can be quite hard to understand at times. In the middle of th...
A huge deer was trying to jump over me!
I was riding my moped to the gym at 4:40am, on a pitch black road, going about 22mph. I heard a sound and something made me look up. I will never forget what I saw. It was a huge deer trying to jum...
My Road ID arrived just in time!
When I received my new FIXX ID, I immediately linked it to my Emergency Response Profile. Later that evening, I had severe chest pain and shortness of breath, so my husband called 911 and the ambul...
Our Golden Retriever was hit by a cyclist!
Earlier this year, my wife and I transferred to Buenos Aires, Argentina. bringing our Golden Retriever, Stella, with us. I elected to get her a new Scout ID with our updated cell numbers and her Mi...
My Road ID was my voice when I collapsed...
As a nurse, I have cared for far too many patients “M or F age 133”. This is the code for “unknown”, a person found down or unresponsive with no ID and therefore unknown medical history, allergies,...