I woke up surrounded by firefighters

My name is Rachel, and I am a triathlete, avid runner, and cyclist in Brooklyn, NY. I was recently traveling in the bike lane on First Avenue when I was hit by a bus. I woke up surrounded by firefighters as they were loading me onto a stretcher.
My name is Rachel, and I am a triathlete, avid runner, and cyclist in Brooklyn, NY. I was recently traveling in the bike lane on First Avenue when I was hit by a bus. I woke up surrounded by firefighters as they were loading me onto a stretcher. One of them took my Road ID,contacted my mom, told her what had happened, and gathered my information from her.

The following months of recovery were grueling , but I still never leave home without your product. At the age of 22, having such a traumatic accident has made me realize that anything can happen at anytime -- even when you think you're safe. 

Thanks to your product and a quick-thinking fireman, I was treated, stitched, and stabilized within a few hours and released the following day. Words cannot express how much I love your company and the services you provide. You are, in every sense of the word, lifesavers.

- Rachel .T from Brooklyn, NY