While recently traveling for work, I went out for a run on a beautiful Florida morning. One minute, I was a mile and a half into a six-miler when I started feeling a little off.
The next thing I know, I’m being loaded into a helicopter. The EMT held up my ROAD iD and said that they'd called my wife, who was back in Wisconsin. My ID helped them identify who I was, my wife’s name and phone number, and my blood type.
Since the accident, I have become somewhat of an evangelist for your product. You probably hear it all the time, but I strapped on my ROAD iD thousands of times and NEVER thought it would be used. I never thought it could happen to me, but it did.
Like a lot of your customers (I suspect), a lot of my friends are athletes. Some even own your product. I have had two tell me that they had a ROAD iD but didn't always wear it. Well, they do now.
Thank you, ROAD iD!
- Kip K. from Sun Prairie, WI