I have settled insurance claims for years and I know that it's really easy to get disoriented when an accident occurs. When someone rear-ended me I was too dazed to even get the other people's full driver license numbers, names, etc.! Things can happen so quickly. Not long ago, my friend's mother,an avid runner (and faster than her husband), was hit by a car. Her husband came upon the accident scene a few minutes later. He was able to identify his wife who was on the ground with a crowd of people surrounding her. What if he had not been running with her that day? No one would have known who she was.
After that I was so afraid to run or ride without ID. I saw your ad in Runner's World and have been a big fan ever since. I have given out your name and web site numerous times to my friends.
I hate the thought that any of us could be out doing something good for our bodies and wind up in the hospital as nobodies. Being a John or Jane Doe in a hospital without your loved ones is an avoidable tragedy.
- Tina .C from Sacramento, CA