I was on my back in the street for thefirst twenty minutes following the crash, had a concussion, and couldn't really focus on much, let alone speak. (Seems I hit the pavement more than once.) Necessary questions were coming at me from the EMT's and the Police. It took me 5-6 minutes to become coherent enough to answer these questions.
Even with a helmet on properly, the impact of a crash can move things around. As a result, the EMT's didn't want to move me until they were certain that I could be moved. At the same time, however, the Police were trying to get as much personal information as possible.
Having ID on a wrist band or ankle band would have allowed the authorities to get this information. Thank you for creating a product that allows enough room for name, a couple phone numbers (yours and a contacts), an address, your year of birth, and most importantly, your health insurance info and blood type. This is needed immediately for the ambulance, hospital, police report, etc. And, if a witness sees the event, they can get your information from the ID and contact you later. I'm telling everyone: Get a Road ID.
- Tim .B from Valley Village, CA