Read firsthand about how ROAD iD makes a real difference in real peoples’ lives.
My fears came to life...
I purchased an ID for my five year old daughter to wear while skiing at our local mountain. Often times, she skis with her team and away from me. This has always bothered me in case of an accident....
Thankfully, we had Road ID
My husband and I were traveling home when he had an emergency medical issue. When we arrived at the hospital, we were unable to recall his medical history and medications. Thankfully, we had his Ro...
Road ID made the difference
There was a very bad accident in a nearby town recently, and the person’s Road ID made a big difference. I will now wear mine 24/7.
I AM an athlete!
After experiencing some health complications, a nurse suggested I obtain a medical alert bracelet. I couldn't find anything that I liked, and then stumbled across Road ID.
The only way to reach me...
As my husband James left the house one day recently for one of his regular bike rides, he jokingly said, “Jean, make sure you have your cell phone with you.
He passed out just before the finish
I'm purchasing my Road ID as a result of a very scary, recent incident. My husband and I were running the same half marathon. He was about 10 minutes behind me and passed out just before finishing....
Mike was out on a walk and suffered a seizure...
Road ID is awesome! My husband has a malignant brain tumor, and has received various chemo and radiation treatments over the years. These treatments have caused severe cognitive disorders.One day, ...
Makes a difference in your life
After finishing a ride with my cycling team, I went for a 10 mile sprint and was involved in a bicycle-car accident. I was unconscious and thanks to Road ID, the police were able to notify my wife ...
I must emphasize the importance of wearing ID
When I wasn’t making much sense he saw my Road ID wrist band and called my emergency contact, my daughter. My daughter sent her husband to pick me up along with an orange juice.
My Mom was out alone and got confused...
It was quite a scare as we were looking for her, and a huge relief to get that call from a stranger. She could not have done this if she did not have her Road ID
First Responders used my Road ID to save me...
Yesterday, I ran my first 15k. I experienced a heart rate issue on the course, and collapsed shortly after the finish. Both the EMTs and the staff at the emergency room used my Interactive Road ID ...
While biking he was hit by a drunk driver...
I am a Captain in the USAF, recently a member of my flight went for an afternoon bike ride at Red Rock National Park.
Because of Road ID, I feel much safer
I love Road ID. Because of it, I feel much safer on my rides. I had to use it once for an unscheduled hospital visit, and it saved precious time in the Emergency Room.
Road ID saved his life
Thanks so much for your product. I had been holding back on buying one, but my friend's Road ID saved his life.
I had a heart attack while riding
Never thought I would need my ID, until I suffered a heart attack while riding. It is invaluable to me now.
It could have been me...
I am purchasing a Road ID because the rider I was with on a recent ride crashed. I realized that it could have been me. He had a cell phone with him, but it required a passcode to unlock and make a...
Road ID is a must have item
I love and truly believe in Road ID. I was hit by a SUV while on a training ride. My Road ID was the only way the New York State Police knew who the unconscious person was lying on the ground in fr...
A duck flew into me!
I was riding my bike when a duck flew into me!
Hospital staff appreciated Road ID, too
My husband was involved in a catastrophic cycling accident not too long ago. His Road ID was instrumental in providing his emergency contact information, and ensuring I could get to his side before...
I crashed but thankfully had Road ID
I just wanted to say thank you. Emergency services had to use my Road ID recently.I crashed when I lost my front wheel due to heavy rain and new traffic line markings. A few bystanders came to my a...
Emergency attention quickly
My husbands Road ID helped get him emergency attention quickly when he was in an accident. Since then, I have made sure that each of my family members has their own Road ID.
Just in time!
In January of this year, I was in a bad car accident. I was hit on the driver side and forced into a telephone poll. The person driving the other car fled on foot.
Peace of mind after tragedy
My best friend's husband passed away after a cycling accident. His Road ID prevented his family from having to look for him for hours, or even days. Thank you for the peace of mind.
His life was saved
A man's life was saved because he was wearing his Road ID. He was hit by a drunk driver while on a bicycle ride. If his blood type hadn't been readily provided, he wouldn't have received the life s...
I wanted my husband to have ID, just in case
I'm an Emergency Medicine doc and recently found your site after a conversation with my husband before he went on a run; I asked if he would please carry ID with him or at least his cell phone.
Within 10 minutes I was passed out on the roadside
I barely had an opportunity to call a buddy with my location before I went out. He got me to the hospital where my Road ID detailed my information.
I lost consciousness for 3 hours
My daughter gave me a Road ID bracelet five years ago. I never ride without it, and I put it on before my helmet. Recently, I was doored at mile 4 of a 50 mile ride. My body hurdled up and over the...
A half marathon and a hospital visit
After passing out during a half marathon, my friend woke up in the hospital. Because of her Road ID, the EMTs were able to contact her husband at the finish line. This process would not have been a...
A seizure struck while riding home...
I commute by bike year round, and a while back, I had a seizure while on the way home from work. A passerby called an ambulance and they were able to contact my wife by searching contacts in my cel...
I got stung by a bee on route to California...
I got stung by a bee on route from Oregon to California...my son called 911 and I had just received my Road ID Elite a week prior. The EMT's got all my information from it!!! Thank you Road ID!!!
My Shoe ID saved me
I was in a horrific accident recently while participating in a cycling race. My injuries were extensive: a concussion, broken nose, broken orbital bone, lost my top left incisor, spiral compound fr...
I found a runner that had been hit by a car...
I am a paramedic and the reason why I got a Road ID is because I found a runner that was involved in a hit and run accident. He was carrying nothing but his GPS watch, water bottle, and his ID ban...
I was nearly killed
My Road ID told the paramedics what I couldn't, and helped them contact my family while I was being rushed to the hospital.
My ID has all of my vital info on it, just in case
It actually prevented further complication when I was transported to the hospital for heat exhaustion. The doctors knew to call my husband and what my major medical issues are.
My tires lost all grip sending me into a slide
There I was, minding my own business on a solo ride at 8 a.m. With a nice tail wind pushing the speed envelope past 17 miles an hour and going into a quick right-hand turn with a nice lean in, when...
Hit by a car while cycling yesterday...
My wife is spending Valentines day laid up on our sofa after being hit by a car while cycling yesterday. Thank God for no broken bones. Just sore, cut, and bruised. We all had our Road IDs on whic...
My fiance was involved in an accident...
I wish that I had read your testimonials before, we are ordering too late. My fiance was involved in an accident were he was recently hit by a car and air lifted to the trauma unit. He wasn't weari...
Something can happen to anyone at anytime...
As a second generation police officer, who grew up with both parents retiring from law enforcement, we know too well that something can happen to anyone at anytime. When a victim can't communicate,...
My RoadID app alerted my husband....
Two years ago I had a bad bike accident and the Road ID app alerted my husband, and gave him my exact location.
My helmet and Road ID likely saved my life...
I went out for an early morning mountain bike ride by myself, as I've done so many times in the past. However, this ride was different. On a very familiar trail, I clipped a stray tree branch that ...
When he came to he was very disoriented...
This series of events has inspired me to make sure I have some form of identification on me at all times. Thanks for the great product - keep up the good work!
I had a heart attack on the side of the road...
Little did I realize that when I order the Road ID I would need it so soon. A few days after receiving my ID, I was 32 miles into a really nice ride, and stopped to take a break. Well, I am still o...
They used it to call my family...
Early this spring after a workout I had an incident in a department store. I do not know who saw the ID Band on my wrist - store employee, EMS or Police - but they used it to call my family who ca...
I was run down by a hit and run driver ...
My Road ID was on my wrist when I was run down by a hit and run driver. My ID helped the first person on the scene call my wife. As I came to I wondered how the person who stopped to help knew my n...
The Road ID app is my hero
I am really glad that I remembered the Road ID App from my running days. I was in a biking accident the other afternoon where I was knocked unconscious. The first responder who found me checked my ...
Please Reassemble
Ironically, I had just ordered a new Road ID with updated info, including text that says "PLS REASSEMBLE". I figured if the ID was needed it would be applicable. Well, it proved its worth as a full...
I was very confused and could not speak for myself
I want to say a big THANK YOU to your company. I wear my Road ID every day, as I bike to work, kayak, and backpack on a regular basis. I was unfortunately involved in a car accident while out of to...
$20 well spent
I was racing a storm on my bike when I took a fall. I lost the edge of my tire at 25 mph and went down. Evidently another cyclist happened by and found me unconscious, they called EMS and my wife a...