Read firsthand about how ROAD iD makes a real difference in real peoples’ lives.
I was involved in a near fatal bicycle accident...
I was involved in a near fatal bicycle accident. Not only did your bracelet provide name, contact information and allergy information to the first responders and the hospital, it helped saved my li...
We see many John Does come through the ER
I am 62 years old and an avid road bike rider. My husband passed away, and my children live in different states. I know that with Road ID they will be informed if I have an accident.Working in the ...
My husband was hit by a car while running...
I love Road ID! My husband was recently hit by a car while running and his ID bracelet allowed the emergency responders to get a hold of me quickly. Thank you for making a hard situation less comp...
I passed out, hitting my head on the floor...
I am a cyclist and runner. I got a Road ID after a friend crashed while riding with me. Strangely enough, the Road ID came in handy at a restaurant when I passed out, hitting my head on floor. I ha...
I crashed into a dog!
I had a serious crash yesterday morning. A dog darted out in front of me, I hit him and crashed to the ground. The Road ID App alarmed my emergency contacts just as it should have. And I was able t...
The day my father got his ID he was in an accident
I love you guys! The day my father got his Road ID, he was in an accident and my family was able to be notified right away by the paramedics. Thank you for everything!!!! I am now the last person i...
I remember thinking, "Don't fall into traffic!"
I wanted to say thank you for this great product. Carrying some sort of ID on a run or bike ride always seemed to make sense just to be careful. Now that I've put my Road ID to use, I'm an even gre...
While cycling last year I was run over from behind
Road ID is an absolute MUST! While cycling last year I was run over by a young, inexperienced driver in an SUV. My Road ID was essential in assisting with my medical care.
I was stung several times and collapsed
Road ID saved my life! I have a severe bee allergy, and was stung multiple times while helping a friend move. I collapsed by the road when an officer arrived to help. He read the info on my ID and ...
My Road ID was there when I needed it the most...
I was riding a very easy route on my bike that I have rode hundreds of times. This time a UPS truck was stopped 1/2 in the bike lane and 1/2 in the westbound lane. By the time I saw it I had no tim...
He could not ID himself but the Road ID did
My husband has been a customer for a few years and has several bands, he wears one EVERY DAY. Monday late afternoon he was involved in a horrible accident, his gravel dump truck load shifted and h...
She went for a walk and had a massive stroke...
I bought my mom a Road ID a couple of years ago. A month ago she went for a morning walk and had a massive stroke. Thankfully for Road ID, the people who saw her fall knew how to identify her and c...
My Road ID was critical in the trauma hospital...
While riding my road bike on my regular afternoon ride a motorist decided that the quickest route to his destination was through me or at least my immediate path of travel, when I became aware of w...
He saw the red blinking light before he saw me...
My Supernova has prevented me from being hit by an automobile while I was out walking more than once. Each time the driver said he saw the red blinking light before he saw me, even though I was wea...
I received a call from a nurse at a local hospital
All of my cycling friends wear a road ID. It was only two or three weeks before her attack that I had ordered one for my mom one. Thank goodness. On the morning of July 15th I received a call at wo...
My helmet and Road ID saved my life
I was hit by 2 leaping deer while riding my bike. First responders used my Road ID to notify my wife and let ER know what was coming in. I spent 3 weeks in the hospital with a scapula fractured in ...
Truly a life saver!
I encouraged my dad, an avid bicyclist, to purchase a Road ID. Thankfully he was wearing it when he sustained a traumatic brain injury due to a fall. Because of his ID, the paramedics were alerted ...
I was airlifted to the trauma unit
I was hit by a car while training for Ironman Copenhagen last Summer. The driver sped through an intersection while I was crossing and hit me. Thankfully the driver stopped and called 911, but my h...
Paramedics were able to identify my allergies
Road ID was there for me after two bike crashes. In both occasions I was found unconscious. Because of my ID, bystanders were able to notify my family of the accident, and the paramedics able to id...
My family and I want to thank you!
I was hit by a truck while on an Ironman training ride. My husband, son and I wanted you to know that thanks to Road ID, the EMS team and others on the scene were able to contact my family. I was b...
I lifted my Road ID high into the air...
A car pulled a u-turn in front of me, which caused my to crash.
I was out of sorts and pointed to my ID
A few years ago, I was hit by a vehicle. I was riding on a straight two lane farm road when a small truck pulled out in front of me.
Life saving product!
I have been wearing Road ID for almost 5 years. Recently, I crashed while mountain biking. I broke my collar bone, and after the initial adrenaline rush, the pain kicked in and I almost blacked out...
Hit and Run
I love your products! A few years ago I was involved in a hit and run while riding my bike.. The staff in the emergency room were treating me and preparing to administer a medication I am highly a...
My wife knew my location...
Being in the Marine Corps. deployment dates sometimes shift withoutnotice. I got hit by a car and luckily had on my Ankle ID.
I was unresponsive...
I have several Road IDs, wrist, ankle, FIXX, etc. I ALWAYS wear one, even to bed! I cycle, hike, hunt, fish, ride horses, kayak, and more; ID is very prudent to wear.My ID was used in an unusual ev...
I will NEVER be without my Road ID!!!
While out on a run I tripped on a crack in the sidewalk and fell. I landed on top of my wrist, which broke, smacked my forehead on the sidewalk and scraped every exposed piece of skin. Three guys i...
I don't remember what happened that day
I went for a ride on trails near my house as I so often do. I’m not exactly sure what happened, but I definitely had an accident and hit my head. Fortunately, I was wearing my Road ID (and a helmet...
The only identification he had was Road ID
I never thought ID was necessary until a fellow runner I know was hit by car. He was knocked unconscious and the only identification he had was his Road ID. This immediately became a part of my run...
Serious cycling accident
I had a serious cycling accident a few months ago. I was found unconscious, though my ID enabled first responders to contact my family and inform them of the accident. Thank you.
Thank you for contributing to my survival
I was close to the end of my daily ride and not far from home, when an SUV with three teens came across the center line and hit me head on.
Thanks for keeping my hubby safe
My husband always wears his Road ID. In addition to listing his emergency contacts, it also has info about his low pulse rate due to a medication.
I crashed while out cycling
Recently I crashed while out cycling. I had a heart attack, broke a clavicle, and 7 ribs. Two good samaritans gave me CPR until first responders arrived. They credit the Road ID on my wrist as a gr...
It could have stopped my heart...
Road ID saved my life. My fiancé and I were camping off trail with only our backpacks in Yellowstone National Park.
An intelligent purchase
Road ID is one of the most affordable and intelligent purchases a person can make!
I was airlifted to the hospital
I was out riding in the morning when I was hit by a vehicle from behind. Because of my ID the police were able to contact my wife and let her know I was being airlifted to a hospital. We are both ...
My dad was unable to speak due to his injuries
After years of being away from it, my dad started riding a motorcycle again. I insisted that he wear a Road ID. I knew he would probably never need it, but just in case. Well, the "just in case" be...
I am so glad I was wearing Road ID...
Your products are awesome! I am so glad I was wearing Road ID when I had a bicycle accident recently. Because of my ID, the kind souls who stopped to help were able to contact my husband. I have or...
He became a victim to a hit and run driver..
My husband was training for a 50 mile charity ride when he became a victim to a hit and run driver. He was about a quarter mile from home when the accident happened. The estimated time of the accid...
I handed my Road ID to the EMTs...
I received a head injury and could not remember any of the medications I was currently taking. I handed my Road ID to the EMTs and they were able to get in touch with my husband. At the hospital I ...
Why I purchased ID
I purchased a Road ID because I saw a fellow runner pass out on a run this morning.
The information on the Road ID saved me.
I was finishing a 60 mile ride and was just 2.5 miles from home when I was injured. I was out of it when paramedics arrived, besides being unconscious, I suffered a traumatic brain injury, and coul...
I was unable to speak for myself.
During a summer run I got dehydrated and took a nasty fall. I face planted and broke my wrist. I also have aphasia, due to a previous brain injury, which makes verbal language difficult at the best...
My cats and Road ID saved my life
I was awakened by one of my cats banging on my bedroom door. When I opened it, I was hit with heat and thick smoke. Shortly after, I was rescued from my bedroom window. The firemen got all three of...
Because of his ID they knew of his heart issues
My dad loves to bike and go for long walks, so for Christmas a few years back, I bought him a Road ID.
My ID was there when it counts
I found out the hard way why Road ID comes in handy.
WOW! Road ID made her job easier...
I was not feeling welll, and ended up in the Emergency Room.
A truck hit me from the rear...
I was out on a bike ride when a truck hit me from the rear. Fortunately, first responders were quickly on the scene. A trip to the hospital that normally takes 2+ hour was made with in minutes via ...