I was close to the end of my daily ride and not far from home, when an SUV with three teens came across the center line and hit me head on. I hit their windshield and wound up bleeding on the road. I was wearing my Road ID which had my wife's contact info and medical info indicating I was on anticoagulant therapy, Warfarin. I believethat this information helped keep me alive because first responders were able to immediately access it. All of this information is a second hand account as I have no memory of the incident, not even the helicopter ride to the trauma center.
As a result of the accident, I have a new titanium part to ride with, in my hip. It will be some time before I'm able to get back on the road, but I will and with my Road ID. No matter how skillful or careful a cyclist you are, you never know when someone might do something completely unpredictable and take you out. Thank you Road ID for contributing to my survival.
- Dave .R from Niantic, CT