Read firsthand about how ROAD iD makes a real difference in real peoples’ lives.
Everything was much easier thanks to my Road ID
I was recently involved in a single-vehicle, rollover car accident. When my car finally settled on its tires, I had lost consciousness due to head trauma. A woman pulled over to help me and saw my ...
My 12 year old son collapsed at the finish line…
Thank you for a great product. We are loyal fans. I have them on all my kids and my parents. At a local race recently, my 12 year old son collapsed at the finish line after finishing 2nd. The EMTs ...
I wear my Road ID EVERYWHERE I go!
My biking buddy and I were out for a ride at nine in the morning when we stopped at an intersection.
My Road ID helped the paramedics save my life…
One day recently, I was at the local doctor’s office for a minor ear issue. Their records reported that I have a severe allergy to Penicillin, and I even discussed it with the doctor to determine w...
He flew over the handle bars into the Road
My boyfriend, a triathlete, was on a bike ride when a motorhome made an illegal left turn in front of him.
My ID told the EMTs everything they needed to know
I am coming up on two months since my accident, and I want to take the time to say thank you to those at Road ID. I am a 65 year old, retired, third year cyclist with a few centuries under my belt....
My wife was notified within minutes of my accident
Recently, on my commute home from work, a car in the opposite lane turned right in front of me.
I travel for work and never take mine off
Recently, while out on a ride, I went to pass another rider.
Everything would have gone smoother with a Road ID
I have seen all the stories about what happens to someone who has a Road ID, but I would like to share what happens when you don't have one.
Road ID really does help save lives
My father recently suffered a massive heart attack while walking his 5 mile route through the neighborhood.
My Road ID made each person's job easier
I have been a triathlete & marathon runner for over 3 years, and I always wear my Road ID. While out for a ride recently, I accidentally rode over a big patch of black ice.
My Road ID saved the day
Earlier this year, I was finishing up a 40 mile ride when I hit a frost heave on the bike path.
On the Road Again
“What’s your blood type?” my daughter Jennifer asks me. “A-Positive I think. Why?” I reply. “Do you need some?”“I’m buying you a Road ID,” she says. “For when you walk by yourself.”I walk an averag...
The paramedics commented how nice my Road ID was
My friend and I were out for a ride just a 1/4 mile from my house. Out of nowhere, I was hit by a woman pulling out of a large business lot on her way home from work.
My Road ID was able to make decisions for me
I have been an avid motorcycle rider for more than 20 years. A few years back, I had my first accident while on my way to work. A young driver blew through a stop sign and right out in front of me.
My Road ID got me to the right hospital!
I want to thank you for creating such a wonderful product -- one that I always wear and actually had to use in a recent emergency. I was out on a routine training ride when, while making a left tur...
The nurse was shocked at all the info available
Two weeks ago, I found myself in the Emergency Room with a raging infection in my elbow. One of the attendants immediately asked me for the medications I was currently taking.
We were able to obtain his info from his Road ID
I recently ran an EMS call for a cyclist who was struck by a vehicle. We arrived on scene to find the patient lying face down, and his bike was mangled.
His Road ID provided all the necessary information
My brother was recently whacked by a car while out training. When I arrived at the hospital, I rushed to the nurses’ station to receive an update on how he was doing and to provide his personal inf...
The next thing I know, I'm in a helicopter!
I was on a training ride in August with some friends and teammates. We were cruising along near the end of the ride when, the next thing I know, a paramedic is hovering over me in a very shaky, ver...
My EMTs said they always look for Road ID!
My accident happened when I was changing lanes on my bike. The white, middle line was raised, so when I hit it, I went down hard.
Next thing I knew, I was in an ambulance
Recently, while out on a morning ride and only a mile from my home, the unthinkable happened. I was riding in the right lane when a driver in the left lane suddenly changed lanes right in front of me.
My family and I will be Road ID advocates for life
During a recent morning ride, I was descending one of my favorite hill climbs, when I lost control and left the road at about 40-45MPH. My bike and I immediately became separated, and I tumbled abo...
I was unconscious for up to 5 minutes...
To this day I still do not know what happened or if someone else was involved, but I do know that approximately 1.3 miles from the start of the 2nd lap of a bike ride, I was involved in a traumatic...
I flew over the handlebars at 22 mph...
I just want to tell you how big a difference Road ID made in my life. Last spring I was doing a race across North & South Carolina. A dog ran into the peleton as we were going 20-25 mph.
I was rear-ended by a distracted driver...
I had just started out on a ride when I was rear-ended by a distracted driver in an SUV. When I came to on the pavement the paramedic was asking me questions and miraculously knew my name thanks to...
I forgot my ID and my name
Thanks for making these available. A few years ago, I was in a very serious bike accident. And, as luck would have it, I'd forgotten to take my ID and I couldn't remember my name.
I began to feel very dizzy and sluggish...
I have a very rare disease called Addison's disease. The symptom of Addison's can be brought on when I'm under physical or emotional stress. During an Addison's Crisis My blood pressure and heart r...
We were reunited after fifteen minutes of terror
Our family not only endorses and loves Road ID, we have found that it has actually saved our son's lives.
My Interactive Road ID sped up the process
I have owned a Road ID for two years. Eariler this year, it helped save my life.
My wife was contacted because of my ID
First Responders used my Road ID to contact my wife after I was involved in a cycling accident. I wear my ID at all times.
They had all my general info immediately
Most of us are not carrying our phone or wallets part of the time, so it is comforting to me to know that EMTs are familiar with your product.
I had to use it 3 times in the past 6 years
Looking forward to all the changes however I must add my personal experience with your company has always been top notch. And all my cycling buddies wear Road ID.
This bracelet saved me
This bracelet saved me on a run when I had a bad fall
Paramedics and Hospital staff saw the bracelet...
My brother’s Road ID went into action when he had a stroke while alone three weeks ago. He managed to make enough noise that a neighbor came to check and called the ambulance immediately.
Never thinking I would need it, until I did...
I have worn a wrist id for years never thinking I would need it, until I did. I was hit by a distracted driver while running. I was in and out of consciousness.
My wife was hit by a car...
Today I got the call. My wife was hit by a car while she was out for a run. She is okay, nothing too serious. The only way they knew who to contact was her Road ID.
My husband was hit while cycling
My husband was recently hit while cycling.
His wife was so grateful he had the Wrist ID on..
I bought the Wrist ID Elite for a friend. In November he was hit by a car while riding. His wife was so grateful he had the Wrist ID on.
They searched his pockets for I.D....
My dad, whom is a very healthy man, recently turned 69 years old. He was out for his usual Saturday morning run this fall and with no warning collapsed!
My Road ID and 1st Responders helped save my life
I had an accident on the downhill stretch of a ride.
I was thrown from my bike by a hit-and-run driver
My Road ID arrived in time to SAVE MY LIFE. This past Tuesday, I was catapulted off the bike lane into a ditch by a hit-and-run driver. Police believe he was going 50 mph.
My ID prevented a delay in my treatment
Earlier this year, I had a sudden cardiac arrest while out for a bike ride.
When I turned back, our son was gone...
This is just a quick note to let you know how grateful I am for your IDs.
As a flight paramedic, I saw the importance!
I want to take a minute to thank you!As a flight paramedic, I saw the importance of your product right away. When I purchased my Road ID, I was hoping for the safety net it provided. This past Satu...
As a firefighter/paramedic, thank you for Road ID
Hi, my name is Anthony and I am a firefighter and paramedic in Southern California. I am also a triathlete.
Wind blew me into oncoming traffic
I just wanted to let you know that my Road ID came in handy for me a few weeks ago. I was on my road bike, going down a steep hill, when a huge gust of wind came out of nowhere and threw me into on...
I wrecked and rolled 50 meters!
Recently, I was racing at the 70.3 Cairns Triathlon and I fell off my bike going about 60 kmh. I hit the deck hard and rolled a good 50 meters before coming to a stop.