I read all your email today and and excited to see you are looking for help to spread the message of the benefits of RoadIDs. I am always asked about mine, what it is, why I wear it, etc.. I explain the benefits and always feel like I am an Ambassador since I respect your company goal of saving lives, while keeping the cost of the IDs reasonable. I run with the Hash House Harriers here in San Diego, I am a pilot, play tennis and pickleball, hike and do all alone part of the time so I am surprised that I hardly find a cyclist or runner wearing RoadIDs. Most of us are not carrying our phone or wallets part of the time, so it is comforting to me to know that EMTs are familiar with your product. Why do I know? I showed mine to the EMTs after my car accident in 2015. They had all my general info immediately so I could be treated without me having to ask for my handbag in my dazed condition.
Last May I retired after 40 years in the electric and gas utility business and am now looking for work where I can be involved with sports-minded folks and more importantly -make a difference. I currently live in Encinitas, CA and think that representing RoadID and spreading the word of the benefits of RoadID will fit my outgoing personality. I do not believe I have seen a RoadID booth at the Carlsbad 5000 Expo. What a great place that would be to have a booth-with me there promoting! I believe seniors, athletes and pets should all have a RoadID!
Thank you for your request and attached is my resume. It does show my strong engineering background but I also have worked on weekends as a tour-guide volunteered or participated in, many athletic events. I will out line those in a cover letter to follow by Saturday.
- Sheri
Last May I retired after 40 years in the electric and gas utility business and am now looking for work where I can be involved with sports-minded folks and more importantly -make a difference. I currently live in Encinitas, CA and think that representing RoadID and spreading the word of the benefits of RoadID will fit my outgoing personality. I do not believe I have seen a RoadID booth at the Carlsbad 5000 Expo. What a great place that would be to have a booth-with me there promoting! I believe seniors, athletes and pets should all have a RoadID!
Thank you for your request and attached is my resume. It does show my strong engineering background but I also have worked on weekends as a tour-guide volunteered or participated in, many athletic events. I will out line those in a cover letter to follow by Saturday.
- Sheri