In January of this year, I was in a bad car accident. I was hit on the driver side and forced into a telephone poll. The person driving the other car fled on foot.I was trapped in the vehicle and panicking. A homeless man came through the passenger side and pulled me out. I had no injuries, but narcolepsy caused me to act as though something was terribly wrong. I had on my Road ID bracelet, and was able to show it to emergency personnel. They were able to contact my husband and inform him of the incident. All the while being able work with me appropriately, understanding the reasons for slurred speech and stumbling.I want to thank you. I ordered the bracelet January 3rd, and it arrived on the 6th. I was in the accident on the 10th. Not only was your ID bracelet the most affordable on the market, stylish and versatile, but you had it to me above and beyond what was expected. Had the bracelet taken just a few extra days to get to me, I would not have had it to wear that day.Thank you, you were there to speak for me when I could not.
- Kristen .A from Columbus, OH