My mother trained for and won gold and silver in the KY Senior Games wearing a Road ID. My husband has been training for aqua bike races while on business trips. It was great when he was out of the state, riding unfamiliar roads, his Road ID would help someone get a hold of me if he was injured.
My son and I are the equestrians, and with horses, many different things can happen. I can think back to dozens of stories where your product could have made a huge impact for an injured rider.
Our elementary age son was the interesting surprise. We do things like long bike rides, camping, swimming, and other activities where any or all of us could be injured. When he got his first Road ID we were brutally honest on why it was good to wear. He requested two badges and a "cool' band. We've never had to ask him to put it on. He wears it everyday and to school by his own choice.
When somebody asked why he wore it all the time we found out he had come up with great reasons that we hadn't thought of. He replied, "Well, we have a nurse that knows me at school if I get hurt at recess, but what about on a field trip. And what if the school bus gets in an accident? How would the police or paramedics know anything about me?" He has two friends with medical issues whose parents turned his 'just in case' ID into a 'must have' ID that their kids now wear, too. We've been fortunate not to need our Road IDs, but thank you for a product that can make a difference if we do need it.
- Andrea .S from Demotte, IN