It was a really beautiful start to the 36 mile Cow Creek Country Classic Bike Ride. Maybe it was the nice conversation with my friend Joe that made this ride seem so easy, but it really was never a struggle...until about mile 19. At that point I began experiencing some chest discomfort. I felt like if I could rest for just a few minutes, it would pass...but it didn't.
The pain did not subside, and actually intensified to the point I had to go to a nearby hospital ER. I eventually had to be flown via air care to a hospital in Dallas.
My road id gave the ER doctors the info they needed to contact my wife and son, who were still at the rally. I can't imagine what I would have done without the strength and encouragement my beautiful wife Rhonda gave me, while I was in the ER. Thank you Road ID, for making that possible.
- Bill .S from Ennis, TX