I want to thank you for the Wrist ID Slim and the new Road ID App. Both my husband and I have a Wrist ID Slim which we wear daily since we’re both pretty active. Running, hiking, biking, kayaking, horseback riding -- you name it, we’ve done it. Ironically, I had to use my ID while we were on vacation when I got sick, so much so that I was rushed to the ER. I couldn't speak coherently when the nurse asked if I had allergies, so I simply pointed to my Road ID and they had all the info they needed.
Also, your new app is amazing! I tried it for the first time recently when I decided to hit the trails alone on my horse, and it worked perfectly. I was terrified but felt comfortable knowing your products had served me well before. I knew that if something happened, my friends and family would know exactly where I was.
Thanks again for all your products!
- Kristyanna .E from Port Deposit, MD