I decided to get a medical identification bracelet when I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes awhile back. Being an Athletic Trainer, I knew the importance of these bracelets. After much research, I settled on a Road ID with the Interactive application. For about 1 year, I happily never needed to use my ID...then one November day I ended up in the Emergency Room. I was apparently experiencing Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) and in pretty rough shape, to say the least. After spending two nights in the ICU and four in the main hospital,
I learned how important the Road ID was in saving my life. I was unable to speak for myself but my Road ID was my voice. It provided details on my medical needs and history. Without this emergency information on the interactive site, the Doctors would have been left in the dark.
After leaving the hospital and being re-diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, I wear my Road ID everyplace I go, no matter the occasion. Thank you for providing such a great product.- Kati .H from Bangor, PA