I have worn a Road ID for years and recently started using your Road ID eCrumb App. My son and I were out riding recently (my son in a tag-along trailer) and while waiting to make a turn, we were struck from behind by an SUV. We were knocked off the bike and my son was struck by the car. In the panic of trying to get 911 on the line, figure out how he was doing, stay safe, and call my wife, I had a hard time getting my phone to work. Fortunately, I had started an eCrumb before leaving, and right on cue, it sent a stationary alert to my wife and father-in-law to let them know something was wrong. They were able to get in touch with me and knew right where we were.
Miraculously, we are both just fine. Your app worked perfectly and is an amazing piece of safety equipment. After my helmet, I will forever rate your app as something I must have with me while on my bike.
Thank, again.
- Matthew .S from Franklin, MA