Because I didn't have a Road ID at the time of the accident, I was in the ER for hours before I was able to tell the staff how to contact my daughters. The accident caused a Traumatic Brain Injury, which has led to severe prolonged post-concussive syndrome, a lesion in my right temporal lobe, loss of visual field, vision problems, ringing in my ears, dizziness, nausea, balance issues, and memory problems.
I now have a Road ID and wear it at all times. First responders have used it to contact my doctor and inform him that I was unresponsive and being transported to the ER. My medical team and family were waiting at the hospital when I arrived. Knowing a familiar face will be with me when I come to is very comforting.
Road ID makes it possible for my medical team to be at the hospital when I arrive, guaranteeing I receive the appropriate care I need with no delay. Road ID has been and will continue to be a life saver for me! THANK YOU!
- Pamela .H from Nederland, CO