While this isn't a traditional testimonial, my Road ID has made a difference in my life. I am currently serving overseas in the US Air Force. Last fall, I received a blow to the head and was quickly diagnosed with a Traumatic Brain Injury. I've been in rehabilitation for months, and it has been extremely challenging.
Before my injury, I was very involved in many extreme sports. My physical therapist recognized the difficulty I was having, and brought me a Triathlete magazine. Soon after, I decided two things: First, my goal was to do a triathlon by the 1st year anniversary of my injury. And second, I needed a Road ID. I wanted some sort of easy identification, especially since I was in a different country.
The last line on my ID says "Love, Courage and Perseverance" in Latin... Diligo, Virtus, Persevero. On long and difficult days I have a constant reminder on my arm to push me through the dark spots, as well as a peace of mind if something should happen. My Road ID is with me everyday.- Rachel .S from Aviano, Italy, ..