Twice my heart stopped, due to insufficient blood into the heart because of extensive internal bleeding. Fortunately, God answered my prayers, and the prayers of family and church friends who stayed all night at the hospital. Finally at about 4 AM, after 9 hours of intense effort in the trauma operating room, the doctors were able to stabilize me.
Amazingly, two of the three trauma surgeons are friends from the small church I attend. My wife was called from the hospital using the phone number on my Road ID, and since she was contacted so quickly, she was able to call them before she drove to the hospital!
To make a long story short, after 115 days in the hospital- including about a month in ICU- I have been home for 3 weeks now, and the doctors expect me to make a complete recovery. There is no doubt that I am proof that miracles happen when people pray fervently with believing.
Ever since I first got my Road ID, I have worn it around my neck 24/7. I only take it off when I shower. It has my motto "NEVER GIVE UP" on the bottom of the front side and a favorite Bible verse on the back. Thank you, Road ID!
- Ken .P from Newark, DE