I wore my Road ID when I ran the Dallas Rock n' Roll Half Marathon. I made it through the race fine...it was AFTERWARDS that my Road ID came to the rescue! I was searching for my truck in the enormous parking lot, when I suddenly tripped and landed face first into the street. I fell hard, to the point I was knocked out for a moment.
When I came to, I literally had no idea who I was. People rushed over to help me, but I couldn't give them any information...it was extremely frightening. That is, until I saw my Road ID on my wrist! It had all the names and phone numbers I needed. A very nice man was able to call my daughter, who took me to the ER. Fortunately I was okay -- besides a very colorful shiner on left eye!
I'm so grateful for my Road ID -- it saved the day.
- Barbara .S from Richardson, TX