My cell phone husband was in an accident

My husband is a jogger, and went on his usual run as I left to go to dinner with a friend.  At dinner, my cell phone rang...I was told that my husband had an accident and was at the hospital.  I went there immediately and found that he had been hit by an SUV as he crossed a street.
My husband is a jogger, and went on his usual run as I left to go to dinner with a friend.  At dinner, my cell phone rang...I was told that my husband had an accident and was at the hospital.  I went there immediately and found that he had been hit by an SUV as he crossed a street. The only way anyone knew who he was and who to contact was through his Road ID bracelet that I had given him the year before for Christmas.  He was taken by ambulance to our local hospital, and because he had ID, they looked up his medical records and knew his history, allergies, etc.

I am grateful that I was called immediately and could be with him when he came to.  He was in the hospital three weeks with head injuries, a punctured lung, and more.  I can't imagine what things would have been like if he woke up alone, or if I came home that night to an empty house.  I can't praise Road ID enough for making this horrible experience easier.

Update: My husband is back to jogging now and ALWAYS wears his Road ID. We've told many people about how it brought us together immediately, and continues to give us such a peace of mind. This photo is a favorite of ours...a clown came to cheer us up after a tough day at the hospital.

- Judie .R from Bethlehem, PA