On August 19, I was on a mountain bike ride training for an upcoming race. I was on a very familiar trail and going down a slight decent.
Suddenly, I hit a downed tree which put me over the bars. As I was flying through the air, I distinctly remember thinking, "this is going to hurt." The next thing I remember is waking up a day and half later at the trauma center. I was told that a person walking their dog found me and used my ROAD ID to call my wife. I was only 5 minutes from my home and my wife was able to come to the crash scene and gave the first responders all the additional information that they needed.
If it was not for my Road ID, I would not only have been taken to the hospital as a “John Doe,” but my wife could not have been there to speak for me. I was in the hospital for 4 days recovering from 6 broken ribs, a fractured scapula (3 places) and a severe concussion. My healing is going great and I can’t wait to get back on my bike. Thank you Road ID, I believe you saved my life.
- David .N from Florence, MA