I was out for a 50 mile training ride on my tri bike. As always, I put my Road ID on my wrist before leaving. My ride was cut short when I was struck by an SUV going 50 mph as I went through an intersection. While I was lying on the ground unconscious, a bystander held my hand and waited for the EMTs. She saw my Road ID and called my wife to tell her about the accident.
My wife is extremely grateful for that call -- it meant so much to her that she wasn't waiting for hours, not knowing what happened to me. Since the accident, she has not allowed me to take off the Road ID, and has been telling all of our friends and neighbors about it.
Update: I suffered from a shoulder broken in 5 places, held together by a rod and screws. I also have fractures in both legs, three plates in my face, and a jaw wired shut. I feel lucky and blessed that my spine, organs, and brain are all fine. With physical therapy and time I will eventually recover...my wife and I feel blessed for our continued life together. This photo is from a few days before the accident. Our son had just learned to ride without training wheels, so it was a big day!- Frank .V from Frederick, MD