Earlier this year, I became extremely dizzy and confused, so I called my daughter who lives several states away, and she contacted the police while my son-in-law kept me calm. When help arrived, simply getting up and trying to unlock my door took the last of my reserves, and I literally passed out right in front of them! My blood pressure was 226/120. I was rushed to the hospital where the ER Nurses used my Road ID to access my Emergency Response Profile! It was wonderful knowing the doctors had everything they needed for me.
Turns out I was having a hypertensive crisis and was at stroke volume, meaning without intervention, I could have had a stroke and died. On top of that, the doctor ordered a medication for me and the Nurses intervened when they read my allergies. My reaction to the medication would have been a seizure then cardiac arrest!
Thank you, again - you probably saved my life!
- Kathleen .S from W Carrollton, OH