I can't tell you how grateful I am for Road ID

Earlier this year, I was involved in a bike accident early one morning. I was very fortunate to have a good samaritan stop and help me. He was able to use my Wrist ID Slim to call my wife and get help on the way. Once the paramedics arrived, they also used my Road ID to get my medical and contact information.
Earlier this year, I was involved in a bike accident early one morning. I was very fortunate to have a good samaritan stop and help me. He was able to use my Wrist ID Slim to call my wife and get help on the way. Once the paramedics arrived, they also used my Road ID to get my medical and contact information. I am happy to say that all injuries to me (and my bike) will heal in time, and I should be back on the road shortly. 

I cannot tell you how grateful I am for your product. While the phone call my wife received was one that she hopes to never receive again, at least she was able to get the call. 

Thank you very much for providing such a great product.

- Brian .J from Johnson City, TN