We moved to the DC area when our son was 3.5 years old. Knowing how transient this area can be, we got him a ROAD iD that had mine, my husband’s, and my out-of-state dad’s phone number on it.
For the first few months after putting it on his wrist, we kept repeating to him that if he’s ever lost or needs help, find an adult with kids or a Police Officer and show them your bracelet. We also got him a ROAD iD for when he spends the summer in Michigan with family.

Looking fly on the first day of school!
Thankfully, nothing has ever happened... until today.
On his first day of school, I received a phone call that there was a mix-up and that my son had been sent home on the wrong bus (headed to the bus stop instead of the rec center for after-school care). Thankfully, I was home and was able to meet him at the bus stop.
Fast forward to today. Again, he was supposed to get on the bus headed to the rec center. The school knew this. I got a text from an unknown number saying, “Hey, it’s so-and-so from the bus stop. I have your son. He’s safe. Call me.”
The school put him on the wrong bus again! My husband and I were at work, so I rushed home and got him from the mom. My son proudly stated that he wasn’t scared because he saw a mom and showed her his ROAD iD.
If it wasn’t for the kindness of a stranger and his ROAD iD, our 5 year old would have been standing at a super busy intersection by himself and potentially in a lot of danger.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!