Read firsthand about how ROAD iD makes a real difference in real peoples’ lives.
Thankfully, I Got a ROAD iD as a Birthday Gift!
recently, i broke my left collar bone in a bicycle accident. bear with me for i am typing with one hand and using all lower case characters as i am still in the recovery stage. my brother gave me ...
My ID Had All the Info They Needed
At 44 years old, and in the best shape of my life, I never saw the seizure coming. It was any other ordinary morning at work, with my bicycle down the hall, prepped for the daily lunch ride with th...
My Wife Beat the Ambulance to the ER
On Labor Day weekend in 2011, I was out riding with a small group of people, most of which I only know from being part of the same triathlon club. Not long into the ride, for unknown reasons, I got...
A Seizure Struck While Riding Home
I commute by bike year round, and a while back, I had a seizure while on the way home from work. A passerby called an ambulance and they were able to contact my wife by searching contacts in my cel...