Read firsthand about how ROAD iD makes a real difference in real peoples’ lives.
The Car Came Out of Nowhere!
I was running early one morning on Marco Island, Florida. I realized that I left my hotel room without my Road ID. I went back to the room to retrieve it. I had just purchased a new Wrist ID Spor...
I Was Not Alone...My ROAD iD Was with Me!
Recently, I ordered the Wrist ID Elite (Interactive Version). I found it to be very comfortable, durable, and easy to wear in the pool, on my bike, when I run or just sitting around at my desk. Du...
The Supernova Saved My Life!
I am alive today because I was wearing the Supernova light.
I run at night on a desolate side road to a major interstate. My route is a simple out and back course and that means that for half of t...
Because I Was Wearing My ROAD iD...
Thank you Road ID for allowing my family to be notified of my accident within minutes of my injury, rather than hours. This allowed the medical team to get valuable and timely medical history - whi...
She Has a ROAD iD. I Need to Get One of Those!
I was recently out for a ride on a brisk Saturday morning with four people that I regularly ride with. On our way back, I hit a rut in the road and flew over my handle bars. I don't know how far I ...
She Found Me Lying Unconscious
I have worn a Stretch ID day in and day out for years—so long, that I took it for granted. Accidents do a good job of making you appreciate the things you forget about.
I recently went for a solo t...
The Collision Sent Me Over the Bars!
I recently had a head-on accident with another cyclist. It was dark, he had no lights, and he was riding against traffic.