Read firsthand about how ROAD iD makes a real difference in real peoples’ lives.
We're Alive Today Thanks to Helmets and ROAD iD
I recently told my adolescent son that his Mom and Dad are alive today because we wear helmets and Road IDs while cycling. Awhile back my wife was clipped by a car's side view mirror while cycling...
I Was Left Lying in the Middle of the Road
Long story short, I was out for a Friday ride, when a truck blew through a stop sign, throwing me in the air and destroying my newly built up Cannondale CAAD9 road bike. The driver didn't even stop...
My Patient's ROAD iD Was so Easy to Use
ROAD iD is one of the best ideas I've ever seen. As a paramedic, I recently treated a patient who was wearing a ROAD iD. I could not believe how easy it was to get their medical information from th...
The Nurse Was Shocked by All the Info
Two weeks ago, I found myself in the Emergency Room with a raging infection in my elbow. One of the attendants immediately asked me for the medications I was currently taking.