Read firsthand about how ROAD iD makes a real difference in real peoples’ lives.
One More Chance-Thank You ROAD iD!
July 27th is a day that will remain with me forever. I was training for an upcoming century that morning and set out with a friend to do a 48 miler. 18 miles into the trip things went very wrong. W...
My ROAD iD Did Its Job!
I got my Road ID late last year, and I have worn it on almost all of my workouts and back country activities since. Good thing, too. On February 9, I had a serious bicycle accident in the boondocks...
It Worked Beautifully!
A couple of weeks ago, I was hit by a car while riding my bike. I was stunned, disoriented, badly bruised and my poor bike was totaled. The accident, however, could have been much worse. When the w...
Thankfully, I Got a ROAD iD as a Birthday Gift!
recently, i broke my left collar bone in a bicycle accident. bear with me for i am typing with one hand and using all lower case characters as i am still in the recovery stage. my brother gave me ...
The Next Thing I Know, I'm in a Helicopter!
I was on a training ride in August with some friends and teammates. We were cruising along near the end of the ride when, the next thing I know, a paramedic is hovering over me in a very shaky, ver...
She Has a ROAD iD. I Need to Get One of Those!
I was recently out for a ride on a brisk Saturday morning with four people that I regularly ride with. On our way back, I hit a rut in the road and flew over my handle bars. I don't know how far I ...
Road Id Could Save Your Life One Day…
This past week, I was struck from behind by an SUV while I was on my bike. I was violently thrown from my bike, striking my head against the pavement, which knocked me unconscious for at least an h...
I Never Thought I Would Need It, but I Did...
I wish I knew how it happened, but the memory of my recent accident and everything that happened afterward is gone. The wreck happened on a county road nearby so the county police responded, but ...
Everyone at the Hospital Was Very Impressed
My Road iD came in handy for me this past week. I was riding in Asheville, NC with some buddies, and on the 3rd day, I went down hard and had to be taken away by ambulance. If it wasn't for my Road...
He Knew Who I Was Because of My Husband’s ROAD iD
"Kelly, this is Adrian. I'm with Mike who got into a minor bike accident. Please call me."
That’s a text message I received this weekend in San Francisco.
I don't know Adrian, and will likely never...
My ROAD iD Got My Treatment Started Right Away
My Road iD was put to use when I was riding in the Big Dam Bridge 100. I was near the back of a pace line cruising along at 20+ mph. Suddenly the bike in front of me veered sharply, and I was looki...
I’m a Professional Cyclist, and I Used My ROAD iD
I was on the 2nd stage of the Cascade Cycling Classic when a bike crash occurred on a downhill decent, causing another rider to lose control right in front of me. I flew through the air and landed ...
I Never Wore ID When I Rode…I Do Now!
I can personally attest to the importance of wearing ID. A number of years ago, my wife and I went for a training ride on a beautiful Colorado day. We were climbing Mt. Evans to build endurance at ...
When I Came to at the Hospital, All Was in Order
I purchased my Interactive Road iD earlier this year before embarking on vacation travel. I knew I'd be taking some solo rides in unfamiliar territory. I valued the fact I could update my online pr...
I Was Left Lying in the Middle of the Road
Long story short, I was out for a Friday ride, when a truck blew through a stop sign, throwing me in the air and destroying my newly built up Cannondale CAAD9 road bike. The driver didn't even stop...
All I Could Do Was Point to My ROAD iD…
As an avid cyclist and outdoor life enthusiast, I have come across many urgent situations... but none like last Thursday. I was stung by a bee while riding my bike. I have a severe bee allergy, and...
I Know ROAD iD Will Speak for Me When I Am Unable
Let me start off by stating that I think your product is awesome. In my line of work as a First Responder, Road iD is an excellent tool for the communities we serve day in and day out. As for me, I...
I Was Hit Head-On by a Truck
As an operating room nurse, I never thought it would happen to me, but it did. I was riding with two friends when I was hit head-on by a pick-up truck. My friends and the truck driver freaked out a...
His ROAD iD Provided All the Necessary Information
My brother was recently whacked by a car while out training. When I arrived at the hospital, I rushed to the nurses’ station to receive an update on how he was doing and to provide his personal inf...
As a Flight Paramedic, I Saw the Importance!
I want to take a minute to thank you! As a flight paramedic, I saw the importance of your product right away. When I purchased my Road iD, I was hoping for the safety net it provided. This past Sat...
ROAD iD – a Worthy Investment!
I just wanted to give you a bit of feedback on Road iD. I live in Australia and wear my Road iD wristband all the time. A couple weeks ago, I was out cycling on my own and had a crash. I don't know...
I Was Thrown 27 Feet and Fell Unconscious
About a month ago I took my bike out for a training ride. I was on the wide shoulder of a rural road in the middle of the day. To look at it, you would think it was the safest road in the world for...
My ID Told the Emts Everything They Needed to Know
I am coming up on two months since my accident, and I want to take the time to say thank you to those at Road iD. I am a 65 year old, retired, third year cyclist with a few centuries under my belt....
He Flew over the Handle Bars into the Road
My boyfriend, a triathlete, was on a bike ride when a motorhome made an illegal left turn in front of him. Douglas was traveling downhill between 35-45 mph. He is a good bike handler and was able t...
My ROAD iD Was Used by Nearly Everyone
I am an avid recreational cyclist, and I have been riding for the last 30 years. I love it. I recently bought a new carbon fiber Trek – my first new bike in 23 years. I crashed badly on a regular r...
Four Different EMTs Used My ROAD iD
I recently passed out while participating in the Tinsel Triathlon in Hemet, CA. I eventually came to, and while I could speak, it was just so much easier to point to my Road iD which had all my in...
I Wasn't Alone...My Road Id Was with Me
I'd like to thank you Road iD, for speaking for me when I could not. About a month ago I was riding my road bike northbound on an open two lane road, when a car- traveling southbound- didn't see me...
We Arrived to Find a Cyclist Who Had Been Hit
As an EMT, I ran a call recently for an individual who was struck by a car. We arrived to find a cyclist who had been hit and thrown about 50 feet from his bike. He had a head injury and could not ...
I Was Struck by an Suv Going 50 Mph
I was out for a 50 mile training ride on my tri bike. As always, I put my Road iD on my wrist before leaving. My ride was cut short when I was struck by an SUV going 50 mph as I went through an int...
I Never Get on My Bike Without My ROAD iD
I have read many of your testimonials and I am a vocal advocate for ROAD iD every chance I get. My ROAD iD, along with my helmet, are two things that I NEVER get on my bike without, and I had hoped...
The Next Thing I Know, I'm in an Ambulance
I was recently on a 40 mile ride in Phoenix when I stopped to get a drink. The next thing I know, I'm in an ambulance on the way to the hospital.
My Wife Beat the Ambulance to the ER
On Labor Day weekend in 2011, I was out riding with a small group of people, most of which I only know from being part of the same triathlon club. Not long into the ride, for unknown reasons, I got...
She Found Me Lying Unconscious
I have worn a Stretch ID day in and day out for years—so long, that I took it for granted. Accidents do a good job of making you appreciate the things you forget about.
I recently went for a solo t...
My Wife Knew Exactly Where I Was
This past Memorial Day, I went on what was scheduled to be a 20-30 mile ride. About a mile in, I had a crash. From what I remember, I was riding, and the next thing I know...
Paramedics Accessed My ROAD iD
This past year, I was participating in the Marin Century with my son and grandson. About halfway through the ride, I was cut off by another cyclist and went down hard.
The Collision Sent Me Over the Bars!
I recently had a head-on accident with another cyclist. It was dark, he had no lights, and he was riding against traffic.
A Seizure Struck While Riding Home
I commute by bike year round, and a while back, I had a seizure while on the way home from work. A passerby called an ambulance and they were able to contact my wife by searching contacts in my cel...
My ID Made Everyone's Job Easier
I have been a triathlete & marathon runner for over 3 years, and I always wear my ROAD iD. While out for a ride recently, I accidentally rode over a big patch of black ice. I went down very har...

My ROAD iD Spoke for Me Again and Again
Earlier this week I was out training for an Ironman Triathlon, when a car pulled out right in front of me. I flew head first into the road.
Fortunately, a nurse witnessed the accident and called 91...