Everyone should have the opportunity to chase their dreams and fuel their adventure, and that’s exactly what Team ROAD iD Ambassador Cheyenne Meyer is helping to get accomplished.
When we found out that Cheyenne has been a sighted guide for marathons since 2016 and triathlons since 2017, we knew we had to learn more. Some of you may not know what a sighted guide does. So what exactly is a sighted guide? A sighted guide is someone who loans their sight to direct the blind and visually impaired. This direction can include navigating a new building, walking down the street, or in Cheyenne’s case marathons and triathlons.
Cool, right? When asked about how she began her journey as a sighted guide, Cheyenne told us “I got inspired to begin this journey when I saw my friend racing as a guide for a local athlete who is blind at a triathlon. Very soon after that encounter, I met with them at the park and they taught me everything I needed to know. I was hooked! I loved sharing my eyes and love of running and triathlon with someone else to help them accomplish their athletic goals, plus it's fun to always have a friend to chat with when racing. I also found that tandem cycling is so much more fun than solo cycling - you can go so fast!” If that doesn’t sound like fun, we don’t know what does - especially the tandem cycling.

Adventure seems to be an ongoing theme in Cheyenne’s life, so how does she ensure her own safety? Cheyenne shared the impact ROAD iD has impacted her on a personal level. “ROAD iD gave my family information and peace of mind when I wasn't able to speak for myself. I didn't have my driver's license on me and my phone was locked when my accident happened, so EMTs were able to use my ROAD iD and call all my loved ones to get them where they needed to be to make sure I was okay. ROAD iD is a conversation starter. It's a platform for preaching safety when exercising or even just traveling, and it's wearable, fashionable peace of mind that fits my active and adventurous lifestyle.”
We want to thank Cheyenne for letting us chat with her! We certainly learned a lot, and the ROAD iD team has been inspired.
If you’d like to learn more about Cheyenne and her journey as a sight guide (or you’re curious what her favorite Road ID is), check out our Q&A with her here.