I entered this world in 1977.
My mother drove me home from the hospital on her lap, no car seat. As a kid, I raced my bike helmetless on wooded trails, regularly played lawn jarts, never wore a seatbelt and had bottle rocket fights with my friends.

In 1999, while training for a marathon, my father pleaded with me to carry ID while running - just in case. I ignored him of course. A few days later, I was nearly clobbered by a very large pick-up truck. So there I was, standing in a ditch, freaked out and realizing for the first time in my life that my dad might actually be right about something. Shocking. Four months later, in his basement, ROAD iD was born.
We worked tirelessly. We worked without a paycheck. We worked night jobs so we could pay the bills. Most importantly, we worked hard to see the day when wearing ROAD iD would help just ONE person.
That was then.
Today, safety paradigms have shifted. Seat belts, bike helmets, and car seats are ubiquitous. At ROAD iD, we hear from customers around the globe, nearly every day, about the impact our ID has on their lives. Some of these stories are simple. Some are funny. Some are life-saving. Some are inspiring. A few are tear-jerkingly tragic. All of them are personal, unique, human. Each one of them motivates us to achieve our dream: to see the day when wearing ID is as common as a seat belt.
This is now.
Tomorrow, and the next day, and the next we will be working with unfettered passion to change the world and drive yet another paradigm shift in safety. ROAD iD literally saves lives. It provides peace of mind. It empowers life.
At ROAD iD we don’t make widgets. We make a difference. And tomorrow, it will be our responsibility to share the ROAD iD story with the world. We hope you will join us in this endeavor.
Go farther. Push harder. Move beyond fear and doubt to confidently capture your next adventure. Enjoy the freedom that comes with ROAD iD.
Here comes tomorrow.
Are you ready?
Edward Wimmer, Co-Founder and CEO