Customer Service - Pure Poetry

Customer Service - Pure Poetry

We have awesome customers - the awesomest. (Yes, that's a word). 

We also have the best Customer Service Team - the bestest. Sorry Zappos. Sorry Southwest Airlines.

Backstory: Last year, we discontinued our lineup of high-visibility gear. More on this later. When we sunset these products, we knew we'd have some disappointed customers. But, we never expected this…

Here’s the amazing email we received from a woman that we’ll call “Lynn” - because that’s her name...

Dear AWESOME Customer Service,
Where Oh where, have our blinkie lights gone?
Oh where, oh where can they beeeee????
With them strapped in the night
We are seen by the light
Oh where, oh where can they beeeee???
Do not say they are discontinued!
A legion of channel swimmers will weep a sea of tears that shall cause floods worse than the recent epic catastrophe in Montecito.
Coding error?
Computer glitch?
We'll forgive you.

Love always,

Lynn K

One of ROAD iD’s finest (we’ll call her Lori) received this email and replied as follows:

Dear Lynn,

The bearer of bad news, I hate to be.
But our lights will no longer accompany you in the sea.
They are gone from our website forever.
So finding a new light will be your endeavor.
Because you are a customer most dear,
We want you to swim without fear.
The lights we have left are yours to keep,
So that you may swim in waters most deep.
Please give us your address
so we can help you with this mess,
by sending the lights quickly.


This is some of the finest iambic pentameter that I’ve ever read. Kudos to you Lynn...and you Lori. Your talents, perspective, and positive outlook are appreciated. High Five. Top Gun Style.