25 Years of Curiosity Over Fear

Twenty-five years ago…

It’s September, 1999. I just graduated college. I’m back home, living with my parents. I reach over to turn off the alarm clock. In a few minutes I will head downstairs to the basement where I will savor the first moments of a life-long dream: starting a company with my Dad. 

Why did I think we could do this?

Ask any entrepreneur, and they’ll tell you: starting and running a business is really, really, really freaking hard. At 21, however, the difficulty of this journey never crosses my mind. I tend to be the type of person that jumps in with both feet and figures things out along the way. But, why am I wired this way?

The Perks of Growing Up Clueless and Broke

I’m beyond blessed to have grown up with two loving, hard-working parents. My mom often worked two jobs, and my dad was always grinding away at his latest entrepreneurial endeavor. Mom worked hard because she loved her kids. Dad worked hard because he loved his work. But no matter how hard they hustled, money was tight. So when it came time to paint the house, change an electrical breaker, cut down a tree, or even repair a camshaft in the family car, guess who did it? We did.

“Dad, what’s a camshaft?”

“I don’t really know, son, but the shop says the car needs a new one, so we’re going to replace it.”

And that’s how it went with most things. Growing up, we Wimmers never asked if we were qualified. We never wondered if we were capable. We never once wondered if we were smart enough. We simply got to work with a blind confidence that we would figure it out…eventually.

The Unspoken Lesson

Not long ago, someone asked me what I admire most about my father. The words that sprang to mind were Curiosity Over Fear. He never spoke those words. He didn’t have to - he lived them. Lucky me—I got to learn by watching him.

25 Years Later

A lot has changed in the world—and at ROAD iD—over the past 25 years. But two things remain the same:

  1. Our purpose: To Save Lives, Deliver Peace of Mind, and Fuel Adventure.
  2. Our mindset: We still prioritize Curiosity Over Fear. Just like when we started, we don’t ask whether we’re qualified, capable, or smart enough. We just dive in and figure it out.

The Payoff

Nearly every day, we hear from customers sharing their ROAD iD stories. Some are simple; others are life-changing. Some are even life-saving.

Every one of these ROAD iD stories keeps our team motivated.

The last twenty-five years have been a wild and rewarding ride. And, we have you (our customer) to thank for that.

While we hope you never need your ROAD iD in an emergency, we’re sure glad you have it.

Here’s to 25 more years of adventure.

Signatures of cofounder Edward W.