Read firsthand about how ROAD iD makes a real difference in real peoples’ lives.
Some Good Samaritans Stopped and Called 911
I wanted to reach out and tell you after many many years of wearing a Road ID daily it finally came to use.. On April 16th after my long Saturday AM bike ride (a beautiful 65 miles) I came home and...
ROAD iD Helped Me in Many Ways
Many years ago I was deeply involved in marathon races, triathlons and ocean free diving. I was a huge fan of Jim Fixx. After reading his book I had purchased my first runners log. I have had the o...
A Few Heroes Came to His Rescue
Hi there,Like many stories you have posted on your site, you just never know when you go out for a run or bike if this bracelet will be so vitally important in an emergency.My husband was out for a...
How Did They Know to Call Me? Not His Cellphone...
I purchased a wrist band for my husband awhile back. He rides bike every day and I just wanted to be careful.
On Sept 27, 2021 I received a phone call I shall never forget. It was my local hospital...
They Were Able to Contact My Family Easily
I have used your wristbands for my safety for years. It has been used in recent years after 2 bike accidents a year apart.
They were able to contact my insurance carrier and my family easily, with ...
I Went Down Headfirst to the Blacktop
My accident was about 8 years ago. We were in a group of about 30 riders when one rider in the front slammed on the breaks suddenly.
I thought I was clear when a fellow rider from my team took out ...
She Was Wearing the Road ID Bracelet We Got for Her
On January 2 this year, my husband’s 93 year old mother fell in her garage and broke her hip and sustained some other injuries....she was NOT wearing her medical alert medallion, but she WAS wearin...
They Were Able to Contact My Wife
I’m very happy with my new Road ID. I wear it every day when I go out.
MY OLD ONE WAS CUT OFF BY PARAMEDICS AFTER MY CARDIAC ARREST AND BIKE CRASH! They were able to contact my wife and get her to ...
I am Forever Grateful
I can't say enough wonderful things about this product. Sadly my husband, Peter B was involved in a bicycle/pick-up truck collision.
Unfortunately he did not survive his injuries. But thanks to hav...
The Police Used the Information on his ROAD iD
My dad has Alzheimer’s and recently left the house in the middle of the night. The police used the information on his Road ID to return him home!
- Melody
I'm Confident That if I Get Hurt or Injured, I’ve Got My ROAD iD.
I was riding on a hot (!) January day in Florida ….! What a beautiful day, riding along the Central Florida Bike trail, on a just tuned-up bike, feeling GREAT!
Some kids were walking along the trai...
This Bracelet Became a Lifesaver
This bracelet became a lifesaver 2 years ago when I was in a motorcycle accident.
I have an implant and without the RoadID bracelet, I could have been injured further in an MRI.
Thanks guys, you ar...
I was in so much pain I couldn't talk
My name is Natalie and I have been using your products for (give or take) 6 years. I have been an ambassador for the past year and I love the stoke your product brings. And 2 days ago- it came in h...
She Saw my ROAD iD and Congratulated Me for Wearing It
Two weeks ago , I had a freak cycling accident and broke my acetabulum (hip socket) in two places. The first person to arrive was a off duty EMT. She saw my Road ID and congratulated me for wearing...
I Was In Severe Pain And Unable To Communicate
I am sure that you have recieved many postive notes on your products. I wanted to share that your medical ID saved my life at the beginning of the month.
I was in severe pain and unable to communic...
It Was So Helpful To Me
I wanted to tell you how one of your products helped me last week. I was running in my neighborhood, and didn't feel the need to carry my phone or driver's license. I did have a shoe ID on my shoe....
I Am So Grateful For My ROAD iD Bracelet
I would like to share my story with you. Recently, my RoadID bracelet helped emergency services contact my son after a horse accident. I suffered a brain bleed, was unconscious and unable to proper...
It Made A Really Hard Time A Little Easier
I love your product and wear it every day. 2 years ago I was in a bad bicycle accident and snapped the head off my femur. I was conscious and had already called my wife.
I was able to give my Road ...
My ROAD iD Made The Difference
I'd only been wearing my RoadiD for a week when I had a paralytic attack, which leaves me unable to move or speak.
Fortunately my RoadiD did the talking for me to the police, EMTs, emergency room s...
I Am So Glad I Have My ROAD iD To Speak For Me
My RoadID recently saved me when the nurse in the ER saw it & told me "we normally would give you X, but I see your medical warning so I want you to know I am giving you Y instead."
My first i...
ROAD iD Is What Gave Me The Confidence To Go Back Out Again
I just want to quickly tell you why I love your product!!
I was actually shot!! by a gun while out running and road ID is what gave me the confidence to go back out again and run outside.....If I r...
I’ve logged many hours of riding, and until that moment, I’ve never needed it.
This past Saturday (9/4/2021), my alarm woke me up for my morning ride like many Saturdays before. This weekend was Labor Day weekend which meant I’d be able to work in three long rides. A quick lo...
I Hesitated For A Long Time
I hesitated for a long time before buying a medical ID for myself because I feel self conscious about 'advertising' my condition. But the text on the ID is small enough to not be noticeable in pass...
I Honestly Never Thought I'd Need It
I actually (and unfortunately) had to use the road ID on 7/13/21, about a month after I bought it.
As I was laying there on the asphalt it was nice to just tell the lady to call the number on my wa...
I Was Fortunate That I Was Awake
I love your product and wear it every day. 2 years ago I was in a bad bicycle accident and snapped the head off my femur. I was conscious and had already called my wife.
I was able to give my Road ...
The Only ID That I Had Was ROAD iD
On November 2nd last year as I was riding my bike, I was assaulted and beaten, I was unconscious and was taken to a local hospital,the only ID that I had was the ROAD iD with my wife's phone number...
My ROAD iD Helped To Keep Me Alive
I was living in New Zealand for 3 1/2 years recently. Wonderful scenery and lots of opportunities to hike and get into nature.I had borrowed a friends car to drive about 30 km's out of town and tak...
Forever Grateful for My ROAD iD
It saved my life! I was so sick that I blacked out and the EMT used my road Id to figure out who I was and the fact that I was diabetic and checked my sugar and it was 30 and he started the sugar d...
I Am Very Glad I Had It On!
Oct 4th 2021, I was returning from a long ride in the country, when a Pitbull suddenly appeared between my front tire and pedals. To date I don’t know if I hit the dog or just grabbed and handful o...
ER Nurse Noticed My Road ID On My Garmin Watch
It was July 4, 2021. By noon I knew I was in trouble. I couldn't catch my breath, felt sick and a couple hours later...massive heart attack.
The ER nurse noticed my ROAD iD on my Garmin watch and s...
Wearing My ROAD iD 24/7 Was Already a Practice I Followed, but Now I Have a Few!
I went into status epilepticus in the shower last July for hours until my roommate called 911 for me. Thanks to the information on my ROAD iD, the EMTs had the number to call my husband, and the IC...
Not Only Do I, But My Family Feels More Secure
July 4, 2021..By noon I knew I was in trouble. Couldn’t catch my breath, felt sick and a couple hours later..massive heart attack.
ER nurse noticed my Road ID on my Garmin watch and saw that I have...
I Am Forever Thankful For This Bracelet
A coworker of mine has a ROAD iD and I really liked it. At first, I got one just because I realized I don’t take my ID or phone when I go on hikes and a ROAD iD would be helpful. I put my allergies...
I Was Able To Have My Car There Within 30 Seconds.
I purchased a Road ID bracelet for my husband in April. He has recently lost his ability to drive and now relies on a walker to get around the neighborhood, but he is still resisting the idea of us...
After Such a Crazy Situation, I'm a Believer!
I was walking on the beach with a friend when I fell down some wet sandy rocks and broke my ankle. It was pretty traumatic. My foot was facing the wrong way and I had to be carried out in a basket ...
I recommend RoadID bands for all parents of children with disabilities
My daughter has disabilities with multiple medical issues and developmental delays. She is currently unable to speak verbally. Having a RoadID makes me feel so much safer when I’m apart from my dau...
I never thought it could happen, but it did…
While recently traveling for work, I went out for a run on a beautiful Florida morning. One minute, I was a mile and a half into a six-miler when I started feeling a little off – the next thing I k...
The Best Thing for an Escape Artist Dog
The ID tag for dogs has saved my dog and me multiple times. I'm the owner of a 9-year-old Alaskan Malamute who still acts like he's 6 months and can run more than 25 kilometers.
On top of all th...
My Wife Was Notified Within Minutes of my Crash
On December 18, 2020, I headed out to my local trail for an easy mountain bike ride. I had just recovered from being ill for a few weeks and was super excited to be back out on the trail.
Just mom...

5 Winter Running Tips for Beginners
Source: TORWAISTUDIO/Shutterstock
Anyone who hasn’t run in the winter might be afraid of doing so. It’s cold, there’s snow and ice and you may not feel as confident on your feet. But it’s better th...
As A Marine, I Know the Importance of Wearing ID
My time in the Marines has shown the value of identification. We may not be in combat situations, but believe me, anything can happen at any time. I didn't use a ROAD iD in the service, but I used ...
First Responders Had No Idea Who I Was
On Thursday, August 6, 2020, I left my house at 6:30 a.m. to go for an early morning, 25 mile bike ride.
The weather was great, the ride was great, and the workout was great; until, when I was 1/4 ...
As a physician, you have a customer for life
As a physician and an endurance athlete, I have been a huge proponent of Road ID -- not only do I use it while running and biking, but I have also given many to friends and relatives. I even make a...
My Road ID answered all their questions
This past week, while out on a ride, I crashed my bike. When I regained consciousness, the emergency folks were asking all the usual questions...name, contact info, allergies, etc. All their questi...
I woke up surrounded by firefighters
My name is Rachel, and I am a triathlete, avid runner, and cyclist in Brooklyn, NY. I was recently traveling in the bike lane on First Avenue when I was hit by a bus. I woke up surrounded by firefi...
I drifted to the right and hit a brick mailbox
Earlier this year, I was involved in a horrific bike crash involving a stray dog and a brick mail box. As I was riding along, I turned around to yell at the dog, drifted slightly to the right, and ...
He used my Road ID to contact my wife
On a recent ride, while cycling up a steep hill near my house, I felt my heart racing very fast. I stopped to rest but my heart continued to beat rapidly, so I set my bike down, and the next thing ...